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What is supported accommodation?
Reactive8 Housing provides a variety of supported housing models to meet varying needs such as short term, medium term and long-term accommodation. Short term is usually 4-6 months, medium term could be 6 months- 2 years and long term could be 2 years plus. Accommodation could be in shared housing where you will have your own bedroom but share facilities such as a kitchen, bathroom and living area.
Who is our supported accommodation for?
Supported accommodation provides accommodation and staff support in order to help people address issues such as those shown below:
You have experienced a crisis and need help to keep safe and rebuild your life, for example, escaping domestic violence or harassment
You have been homeless, or never had your own tenancy, and need support to obtain a tenancy and to help manage it
Supported accommodation is not suitable for people with solely housing needs.
Eligibility Criteria

Short and Medium-termaccommodation –

  • Requiring Housing related support to maintain a tenancy/move on
  • Requiring Single Occupancy Accommodation with Floating Support
  • Completed Referral Form
  • Eligibility for Housing Benefit
  • Eligibility for Housing Deposit Scheme*Where applicable
  • No Housing Benefit arrears

Please read our privacy notice and sign the consent agreement prior to completing and submitting the application form

Privacy Notice

Please note personal details supplied on this form will be held and computerised by Reactive8. We also collect information and may receive information from other services. We hold this personal data and use it to support the client as much as possible.Personal details will be safeguarded and will not be divulged to any other individuals or organisations for any other purposes, without consent unless the law and our rules permit it. In certain circumstances we have to pass this information on to the organisations listed above under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and to any organisation working with the client.

The information given is treated as confidential and processed in compliance with the GDPR. Reactive8 is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner‘s Office, as required under the GDPR. Reactive8 only processes information in accordance with the GDPR and for the purposes notified to the Information Commissioner. As such you have the right of access to personal data, the right of correction to personal data and in certain cases the right of deletion of personal data i.e. where data is no longer relevant or was unlawfully processed. A copy of the personal information held will be provided free of charge. All access, correction or deletion requests can be made via the Reactive8 contact details provided.